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Erin Thomas (she/hers)


A wedding is more than an event – it’s the start of your new life together. When you create ways to honour this start, you celebrate the whole of your lives together, as well as the day itself.

I love supporting people in creating meaningful, life-giving ceremonies. When you craft your own ceremony, you have the chance to create rituals that are meaningful to you on the day and can be shared in your life together. 

As an ordained pastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, officiating weddings is part of my role. Officiating gives me the chance, especially, to support 2SLGBTIA+ people in celebrating their relationships, their lives, and their loves in ways that perhaps were not open to them before.

When I’m not officiating weddings or working as a pastor, you can find me going on walks with my 6lb dog, Piper, playing with my nephews, or attempting to keep my garden going as best I can. 

On your wedding day, I want you to feel able to be fully yourselves within your ceremony space, in love and liberation. I wish for you to find depth, meaning, joy, and laughter in whatever form of ceremony you choose. May your wedding ceremony become a touchpoint you can reflect back upon fondly on in the years to come.