A few weeks ago, we shared 21 unique wedding traditions from all around the world. But in our research, we found even more incredible wedding traditions that show off the culture, folklore, beliefs and traditions of places, cultures and religions all over the world. So we’re back with part two!

Check out 20 MORE wedding traditions below!

Missed part one? Check out those wedding traditions here!

Czech wedding tradition: Not the fun kind of spooning

At a traditional Czech wedding reception, the first course served is soup. But it gets a little bit more complicated than that for the newlyweds. The couple of the hour are wrapped together in a towel/sheet and made to eat their soup from a single bowl sharing a single spoon. Sometimes their hands are even tied together! All of this tying together symbolizes how the married couple will have to work together in their future.

Japanese wedding ritual: Wearing white

The tradition is that most brides wear white on their wedding days. But Japanese brides taking part in traditional Shinto ceremonies take this advice to the next level. These brides will wear white from head to toe, including white makeup and a white hood called a “tsunokakushi.” The hood is supposed to mask the brides “horns of jealousy” towards her new mother-in-law. Ouch!

Fijian wedding tradition: He’s been gone a whale…

For grooms who follow the tradition of asking their bride’s family for her hand in marriage, the big conversation with his future in-laws is surely scary and sweat-inducing. But how much harder would it be if the groom-to-be had to bring a whale’s tooth with him? Fijian tradition says a man must bring a whale’s tooth to his future father-in-law in order to ask for the daughter’s hand in marriage.

South African wedding traditions: Burning love

In this loving tradition from South Africa, parents of the bride and groom will both bring fire from the fireplaces of their own homes to the home of the newlyweds. The couple will then use these flames from their childhood homes to light the fireplace in their new home together.

Indian wedding ritual: A new version of the shoe game

via linandjirsa.com

This wedding tradition from India is called Joota Chupai. In this tradition, the groom takes off his shoes as he approaches the altar. And when he does, the bride’s family tries to steal his shoes and hide them. But at the same time, the groom’s family is trying to protect his shoes. If the bride’s family wins, the groom must pay to get his shoes back.

Moroccan wedding tradition: A wedding week

We may be used to weddings being a one-day or one-afternoon affair. But in Morocco, weddings often last up to seven days! There are elaborate pre-wedding parties and rituals, including a spa day, and tons and tons of feasting. Sounds fun to us!

Jamaican wedding traditions: The bride’s red carpet

A wedding tradition from Jamaica dictates that a bride must parade herself down the village streets before her wedding. As she walks, neighbours will call out insults if they don’t think the bride is looking her best. Too many insults and the bride will head back home to work on her look and try again.

Persian wedding tradition: Sofreh Aghd

Sofreh Aghd, meaning “spread” and “ceremony” in Farsi is a Persian wedding tradition celebrated by both traditional and modern couples. It includes a table filled with items to symbolize the couple’s new life together. Items include a mirror, representing light and brightness, an embroidered cloth, symbolizing family tradition, and a spice tray, to guard against evil.

Norwegian wedding ritual: Let them eat cake

Kransekake is the special cake served at traditional Norwegian weddings. It’s an iced almond cake, created in the shape of a cone with a hollow center. What’s in the center? Usually a wine bottle!

Pakistani wedding tradition: Bring on the flowers

In traditional weddings in Pakistan, the groom will wear a beautiful ring of flowers around his neck. We love the idea of flowers being worn and/or carried by everyone who wants some.

Polish wedding ritual: Want to dance?

A wedding tradition from Poland allows guests to dance with the bride, but for a price. The maid of honour will collect donations from guests which allow them to take the bride for a spin on the dance floor. All of the money collected goes towards the couple’s honeymoon.

Australian wedding traditions: Fill the unity bowl

We’ve heard of unity candles but what about unity bowls? A wedding tradition from Australia has guests hold stones throughout the ceremony. Once the ceremony is over, guests drop their stones into a decorative unity bowl that the couple will then keep in their home. The unity bowl will remind the newlyweds of the support and presence of their loved ones.

Scottish wedding tradition: Time to get dirty

Blackening of the Bride is a Scottish wedding tradition where the bride, and sometimes the groom, are captured by their friends and family a few days before the wedding. During their time in captivity, the couple is covered in gross things like beer, syrup, rotten fish and feathers, and then paraded around town. Sounds fun, right? Apparently, they say if the couple can get through this, they can get through anything in their marriage!

French wedding ritual: Take a sip!

At the end of a French wedding reception, the newlyweds are presented with a chamber pot (a medieval toilet bowl). And the chamber pot is full of leftover alcohol, including extra items such as chocolate, bananas or even toilet paper! The couple must drink until the pot is empty, to strengthen them for the wedding night ahead.

Welsh wedding traditions: Carve me a lovespoon

An old Welsh tradition states that when a man falls in love, he must carve lovespoons out of wood for his betrothed. The lovespoons are decorated with important symbols such as keys, signifying the key to his heart, and beads, symbolizing the number of children they hope to have.

Mongolian wedding tradition: Playing chicken

Before a Mongolian couple can set their wedding date, they must first take part in a wedding tradition that is not for the squeamish. Together, they must kill a chicken and, both holding the knife, find a healthy liver. If their chicken doesn’t have a healthy liver, they must continue hunting until they find a suitable liver.

Irish wedding traditions: Put your foot down

At a wedding reception in Ireland, tradition states that a bride must always keep one foot on the floor – no matter how wild the dancing gets! According to folklore, if the bride lifts both feet off the floor, evil fairies will come and take her away.

Czech wedding ritual: All about fertility

via Pinterest

Like many wedding traditions, these ones from the Czech Republic are routed in fertility. Before the ceremony, a young infant is placed on the bed of the newlyweds to not-so-subtly enocurage them to have a baby of their own. And after the ceremony, the couple is showered with rice, peas or lentils, all symbols of fertility.

South Korean wedding tradition: Hope his feet aren’t ticklish

A traditional South Korean wedding may involve Falaka, the practice of beating the groom’s feet. Friends and family of the groom will beat his feet with a stick or dried fish while asking the groom trivia questions. The tradition is said to strengthen both his feet and his mind.

Kenyan wedding ritual: Spit me with your best shot

As the newlyweds leave their Kenyan wedding, tradition says the father of the bride must spit on his daughter’s head. This ensures the good fortune of the couple is not jinxed.

Peruvian wedding tradition: Put a ring on it

via Pinterest

We may be used to a bouquet or garter toss, but in Peruvian weddings, single guests take part in a different tradition. A Peruvian wedding cake will be filled with charms attached to ribbons, with one of the charms being a fake wedding ring. During the cake pull, all the single women will pull a ribbon from the cake. The guest who pulls out the wedding ring is said to be the next one to walk down the aisle!

We love learning about these wedding traditions from all over the world. How many of these did you know about? Will you be incorporating any fun or unique wedding traditions into your special day?


written by Riana Ang-Canning
feature image by Emily Nicole Photos