ATTN: wedding vendors! We are so excited to let you know about an opportunity to access free DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility) education through the wonderful folks at Altared. Keep reading to learn what events Altared is hosting and how you can register to attend.

What is Altared? Altared is a space for wedding vendors who want to change the wedding industry. Note, Altared is not a membership group; vendors can participate in whatever way serves them best.

Check out our interview with Altared’s co-founder Elisabeth “Beth” Kramer to learn all about Altared and how they’re impacting the wedding community.

PS: As we talked about in our recent blog post on finding LGBTQ+ friendly wedding vendors, it’s up to us wedding vendors to educate ourselves and ensure we’re providing the most safe, welcoming and supportive spaces for our couples. So don’t miss out on this chance to get some great education at no cost!

And bonus: All of the events are virtual – meaning you can tune in from anywhere!

Two vendors hug at the in-person Altared hosted in Portland, Oregon, on December 5, 2022. Photo credit: Venture Ever After
Photo credit: Venture Ever After

“In 2023, Altared is hosting free, virtual Q&As for wedding vendors about diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and sustainability in the wedding industry.” – Altared PDX

To learn more about the events and register to attend, check out the event info below!

Reconsider Your Inclusivity Norms About Wedding Clients and Coworkers

When: Wed, February 22, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST

With: Shannon Collins

What: “Join Altared and non-binary, queer, Autistic, and disabled wedding photographer Shannon Collins in this free, virtual one-hour Q&A about what we mean when we talk about “inclusivity.”

Topics will include how mandatory pronoun sharing can be harmful, why labeling ourselves as a “safe space” can do more harm than good, and how by saying things like “we welcome everyone,” we’re not including anyone (or including people whose values don’t align with ours).”

Reserve your free spot for Feb 22 here! 

Who Is Your Wedding Business Still Alienating?

When: Wed, March 29, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDT

With: Taylor de la Fuente

What: “Join Altared and professional copywriter Taylor de la Fuente in this free, virtual one-hour Q&A about the language that is (and isn’t) on your wedding business website.

Topics will include how to keep improving your intake form including for polyamorous clients, which populations you might not be thinking of, and language to use on contracts, marketing, and Instagram to attract clients who align with your values.”

Reserve your free spot for Mar 29 here!

Wedding Instagram: Make Your Account Sustainable and Accessible All Season

When: Wed, April 26, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDT

With: María del Mar Oliva

What: “Join Altared and social media manager María del Mar Oliva in this free, virtual one-hour Q&A about developing Instagram habits that serve you and your wedding business.

Topics will include how to create a schedule you can stick to, actually having fun, and what to do about TikTok.”

Reserve your free spot for Apr 26 here!

Altared co-founder Elisabeth Kramer places her item on the “joy altar” created at the in-person Altared hosted in Portland, Oregon, on December 5, 2022.
Photo credit: Venture Ever After

To learn more about Altared: 

Thanks so much to Beth and her team at Altared for putting on these incredible events and letting us know about them. We hope to see you there!