First things first: what is the declaration of intent? And why does it matter for your wedding ceremony?

The declaration of intent (also known as the commitment statement, intention statement or statement of intention to marry) is the part in the ceremony where you agree to marry the person you’re standing up there with. It’s the, “Do you take so-and-so to be your such-and-such?” followed by the, “I do” or “I will.” It’s the part where you declare your intent to be married.

And because we believe in ceremonies that totally represent our couples, we believe you should be able to choose exactly what sort of commitment you’d like to declare. You don’t have to go with the standard, “Do you take Andrea to be your lawful wedded wife? In sickness and in health? Etc. etc.” But if the traditional declaration of intent suits you, we’re all for it!

Check out these eight declarations of intent or statement of intent to marry examples below. For your big day you can pick your favourite, choose one and switch out a few words, combine a few or come up with your own!

Statement of intent to marry example #1: Traditional declaration of intent

(Name) do you take (Name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? Do you promise to love and cherish her/him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live?

Declaration of intent example #2: Short & Sweet intention statement

Do you, (Name), welcome (Name) as your wife/husband, offering her/him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?

declaration of intent at a wedding ceremony
Photo by Emily Nicole Photos

Commitment statement example #3: In Good Times & Bad commitment statement

(Name), do you take (Name), to be your wife/husband? Do you promise to love, adore and encourage her/him? Share the good times and achievements as well as the hard times and disappointments? Keep her/him in sickness and in sorrow and to be loyal to her/him forevermore?

Intention statement example #4: Freedom to be Oneself declaration of intent

Do you, (Name), promise to love (Name) and respect her/him, to share your life and your dreams, to build with her/him a home that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?

Do you promise to be a companion to (Name) in all of her/his successes and failures, her/his happiness and sadness, to always give to her/him your unwavering support and above all else, the freedom to be herself/himself?

wedding ceremony, wedding intention statement
Photo by Emily Nicole Photos

Declaration of intent example #5: Wife/Husband of Your Days

(Name), do you take (Name) to be the wife/husband of your days, the companion of your heart and the friend of your life?  To stand united in the face of adversity and bask together in the light of good fortune? With these words spoken, and all those as yet unspoken, do you wish to marry (Name) and join your life with hers/his?

Statement of intent example #6: Religious declaration of intent

Do you, (Name), take you (Name), in the presence of God and our family and friends as witnesses, to be your wife/husband, your partner in life and your one true love?

Do you now make a lifetime commitment to be a considerate, tender, faithful, loving wife/husband, to encourage, comfort and cherish (Name) in times of prosperity as well as in times of trouble?

And do you pledge to establish a loving home for your own family, to make her/him and your children the priority in your life, and to nurture your special relationship always?

Commitment statement example #7: Declaration of intent with children

Do you (Name) take (Name(s) of child(ren) of spouse) to be the (son/daughter/children) of your heart, to love and to hug, in tears and in laughter, through successes and growing pains, as long as you shall all be together?

Do you (Name(s) of child(ren)) take (Name) to be your (step-mom/dad) and your friend, accomplice and ally, to love and to hug, as long as you shall all be together?

Do you, (Names of all children), each take the other(s) to be your (sister/brother) and your friend(s), through fights and through fun, as long as you shall all be together?

Do you, (Names of parents), promise to support these relationships, to give them room to breathe, to encourage their special bonds with each other and love them through it all?

wedding ceremony and declaration of intent with children
Photo by Bake Photography

Statement of recommitment example #8: Vow Renewal intention statement

Do you, (Name), re-affirm (Name) as your wife/husband? Will you continue to live your life openly with her/him, and speak the truth to her/him with love? Will you continue to honor and tenderly care for her/him? And will you continue to cherish and encourage her/his fulfillment as an individual throughout all the years ahead of you in your shared life?

feature image by Bake Photography

What commitment are you declaring to your spouse-to-be?

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