You Can Add Premarital Coaching to Your Wedding Registry

On a typical wedding gift registry you might find a toaster, a blender and Egyptian Cotton sheets. But premarital coaching on a wedding registry? Now, that’s a new one.

These days, many couples struggle to put together their wedding gift registry. A recent census found that the average age for a first marriage in Canada is 30.7 years old. By that age, many couples have lived together for a number of years and already have a toaster, a blender and some well-worn towels.

So if like most Canadians your marriage isn’t the first time you’ll be moving out from your childhood home, you likely are having a hard time filling a registry with household items. Sure, there might be a kitchen gadget or two that you’ve got your eye on but you’re definitely not looking to load up on house products from The Bay or IKEA. Those days are behind you.

That’s where the gift of premarital coaching comes in.

Premarital coaching is something all couples can benefit from, regardless of how long they have been together or what age they decide to get married. With coaching, you’ll learn valuable lessons on how to effectively communicate with your partner, how to come together on your finances, how to make time for one another, despite busy schedules, and so much more.

Won’t it be weird to ask our guests to buy premarital coaching for us on our wedding registry?

It shouldn’t be!

Premarital coaching isn’t something you do when your marriage is in trouble and you are on the brink of divorce. It’s what you do to prepare for your marriage and learn how to navigate through future troubles. By taking a proactive and preventative approach, relationship coaching sets you up to have a healthy, happy and life long marriage. What could be a better wedding gift than that? Wouldn’t your guests rather support your marriage and know they contributed to the success of your relationship rather than getting you a new throw blanket?

So instead of grudgingly registering for a brand new toaster even though yours is only a year old, why not add premarital coaching to your wedding registry? 

We’ve made it easy to add Thrive Couples Coaching Gift Cards to your wedding registry. Your guests can buy gift cards with a set amount towards coaching, such as $50 or $100, or they can buy gift cards for the value of a specific coaching package. 

Learn more about our couples coaching packages here. You can list the package you would like on your registry by adding this link to our coaching gift cards.


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